Sunday, November 18, 2007

sheep dreaming too

i will spend one more day with mrs white this coming week. it will be our final experience with eachother; i will then be taking my lessons of sheepmind to humanimals for Plankton Bar on Nov 30. i have decided against bringing her to le bains:: for a few reasons, mainly being that she has recently become pregnant (to mr brown, her mate) and the travelling-being-apiece-of-art experience may be a bit traumatic for her in this precious time - further, the knowledge i gained from my silent sit and semi fast in the fields with sheep gave me a strong sense of what this whole project and investigation is. i did go to some very deep places - eye to eye with her - unforgettable, transformative, and completely real and compelling.
The installation/sit i will be doing with the humans is taking shape and i am excited with its form, content and potential. i would like to thank mrs sheep, luea, vincent, and also the sufi brotherhood of brussels for the chiave, the key to this art in manifestation.
i have deliberately left the description of the outcome ambiguous to hold your attention, it will come to light once the work is complete. bon chance!

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